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Our Knowledge Mission

To Encourage Peace, Hope, Unity, and Equality……..Always!

K – nowledge – is the key to power – making better and conscious decisions for all of mankind

N – in time we shall be one accord

B – black is power, strength and depth

W – white is safe, pure and innocent

Driving Industry Trends

Love – boundaries without PREJUDICE

NO means: STOP!!!

Stand for the Flag, Fail Injustice

Heroes are Super Humans

PEACE: results without Sound

As a friend of a classmate that has a homosexual child, I though it was pretty sad when the child was treated unfairly in a restaurant in 2020.

This type of behavior is  unfair, unjust, and unwarranted………………………………as a country we have to do better

Thanks for your help!!!



1235 Divi Theme St.
San Francisco, CA 92335


(333) 394-2342


M – F : 8am–5pm

Sat : 11am–6pm

Sun : Closed